California - August 22, 2024 - CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Implements Red and Yellow Cards for Rude Fans, reported by Esteban Reynoso, CBS TV, Sacramento.
New York - Click here for the New York State Public High School Athletic Association's Why Sportsmanship In High School Sports? Pdf, a comprehensive sportsmanship guide for an entire school community.
North Carolina - The North Carolina High School Athletic Association goes "zero tolerance" on profanity. If you curse, you're ejected. See New Profanity Rules Have High School Coaches and Players Holding Their Tongues, reported by Steve Ohnesorge, WBTV Channel 3-TV, Charlotte, N.C. - August 24, 2016.
Ohio - November 16, 2023 - OHSAA Relaunches Respect The Game Program To Address Bad Fan Behavior,
Ohio - April 2018 - OHSAA Sportsmanship Data Trending In Wrong Direction. See OHSAA data show sportsmanship is an escalating problem | Opinion, reported by John Kampf, Ohio Morning Journal, April 19, 2018.
Oregon - August 7, 2024 - OSAA Cracks Down on Sportsmanship Concerns With Stiffer Ejection Policies, reported by Nik Streng, The Oregonian.
Oregon - July 1, 2019. Can the Oregon legislature solve the sportsmanship crisis? They're giving it a shot - Oregon's sportsmanship bill goes into effect on July 1, 2019, but not everybody wants the legislature to interfere with high school sports. See Editorial: Give OSAA Group Time To Work, The Bulletin (Central Oregon), April 15, 2019. Also, Click here to see the legislation:
South Carolina - The South Carolina Youth Soccer Association institutes a month-long "Silent September" to control unruly and verbally abusive crowds. Silent September is part sportsmanship measure and part officials' retention tool as the SCYSA officials' data shows that poor sportsmanship by spectators is making it hard to retain new officials. See Poor Behavior Leads Officials To Silence Youth Fans, reported by Bob Castello, Greensville On-Line, July 5, 2017.
Utah - "Epic Proportions': UHSAA Puts High School Boys Soccer On 3-Year Probation Due To Rising Ejections, reported by Patrick Carr, Ogden Standard Examiner, June 13, 2022.